Darken the Stars

Darken the Stars - Amy A. Bartol ARC received from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This one was my far my favorite. I will be honest though and say that I always loved Kyon and this book she is with Kyon the whole time and I like that. I love them together and that's what made the book for me. I never liked Trey I hate man who always follows orders. How boring is that? Plus Kyon actually HELPS her. He teaches her how to swims and fly and builds the crown that takes down the enemy. So BOOM Kyon wins. I will be so very, very heart broken if she ends up with that freaking idiot Trey. and yes I know that I am probably getting a bunch of hate filled curses right now but come on. Kyon would be a partner. Trey is not a leader.

okay anyways... The book is honestly a lot about the relationship between Kricket at Kyon. I got a little annoyed with her inner monologue about running away back to Earth. Actually I got a lot annoyed with that. I would say the book would be perfect if not for that. She has had three books to come to terms with the fact that she is not human. Get over it.

I would defiantly recommend this book. And I really, really hope that isn't the end to the series.

Side note: I would also just like to add that I want to hit her father.. very hard right in the face.