What A Dragon Should Know

What A Dragon Should Know  - G.A. Aiken I honestly don't know why I always wait so long in between each book. Because these books always make me laugh and the story is always fantastic. And this one is no exception. This one is by far my favorite. Gwenvael and Dagmar were perfect together. I might even say they are the most perfect couple I have ever read about. No joke. I am so freaking in love with them. Not individually but together. They are hilarious, dramatic and 100 % devious.

I like that Dagmar isn't necessarily a gorgeous woman. And I also like that she isn't a warrior. I like that she wins battles with her words. I enjoyed reading battle of wits way more than I like reading about actual battles. To have a plain woman bring down huge dragons with nothing but words? Freaking awesome. Not to mention negotiating a life for a pair of socks. Seriously, She is a bad ass.

Gwenvael has always made me laugh. He has always been a bit dramatic and I think that is why I put off reading his book. I liked him but at the same time he kind of annoyed me. But put him with Dagmar and he is the same but better.